"C" equals Creative Courage -- La "C" es por Creatividad

Good Morning!

Well today is the day.. I am going to post this blog on some of the forums I actively participate in. Just recently I've decided to start taking my scrapping to a different level and branch out;

So far the branching part isn't going so well as every time crawl out on the limb it breaks, LOL! But I figure if advance slowly, maybe (just maybe) I'll find the limb that will support me. On a side note you can climb very high up in trees and then despite how much they wobble or sway with the wind you won't fall out if you've got a good footing. Some day I'll recount the story of me and my siblings in a white birch with my granmother yelling at us to get out of the tree as it literally swayed in arcs of 15 -20 feet with us at the top -- GREAT STUFF that btw.

I digress :)

In any case this is me working on my creative courage as I step out -- anyone coming with me?

Buenos Dias!

Hoy es el dia...voy a publicar este blog en algunos foros en que participo activamente. tome la decsion recien de investigar las mulitples ramas de eset arbol llamado Scrapbooking. Lo gracioso es que cad vez que me levanto a uno de ellas ultimamente se me parte y caigo -- vaya falta de soporte LOL! No obstante mi intencion es advanzarme cuidadosamente y quizas, con suerte, encontrare la que sera mia. Sabes que puedes subir muy alto si hay ramas fuertes a que agarrar y no caerte sin importar la fuerza de los vientos que soplan. Por cierto algun dia contare un cuento de cuando yo y mis hermanos subieron a lo alto de un arbol y , con nuestra abuela gritandonos a bajar, nos quedabamos volando de lado a lado en arcos de mas de 15/20 pies debido al fuerte viento -- Memorias fantasticas esas! Ahhh me despisto :)

De todos modos esta soy yo buscando mi coraje creativo -- alguien viene conmigo?
Here are a couple of LO's that missed the mark recently in submissions -- hope you enjoy them as much as I do

He aqui algunos LO's que no obtuvieron el visto bueno ultimamente en ser presentado a seleccion -- espero que os gusten igual que a mi


Colleen said…
Yeah! Glad you're branching out and love thr layouts!! Hope to see more soon!