quiet, quite, quintessential, quick, quirky...ok that ends my q letter repetoire LOL
I redid my 1-in-48 -- was just to hard on the eyes. I think it'e lost a bit of the chaotic nature it had but it is brighter. the tiny journaling (visible in person just fine) finishes out the title "On 3, ready? set..Boiz! and of course that rhymes with NOISE!!"
I got my first cards for my Snapshot ATC swap. Don (The Ducktape Master) made some exquisite ones. I'm not going to post them yet so as not to ruin the surprise but he DID add his signature preferred adhesive to them LOL.
I've been keeping in prayer a number of people that I speak with on various Forums. It seems that 2007 is being rough to everyone. I sincerely hope that as we end the year many health, family, work and financial issues are lifted from the shoulders of my scrapping buddies. Each of us feels so overwhelmed at times that it does us good to reach out and care for others so we dont' become mired in ourown little pool of sludge...personally I'm willing to sling a little your way if you'd like to wallow with me, but I'm perfectly happy to get a bit muddy in yours too LOL AMEN and AMEN
YOU are all the best!

quickly quitting quoting quirky ;)


quiero, quinta, quitar ah .... no hay tantas palabras ultizando q en espanol asi Que dejo de intentarlo. Si ves arraiba he vuelto a hacer mi pagina para la clase de 1 in 48. Al hacerla de nuevo le dado mas luz a las fotos y facilidad en leer el titlo. Las palabras peques son un juego de palabras que van con el titlo

Recibi las primeras tarjetas ATC par el intercambio. Don (el maestro del Ducktape)creo dos disenos estupendos, incluso utilizando el ducktape como parte del diseno.
He estado rogando para varias personas que conozco atravez del internet y los foros de scrap. Les deseo de todo corazon que al finalizar este ano muchos de estos problemas de saud, familia, trabajo y dinero se resuelvan. Cada uno de nosostros, aveces, se siente sobrecargado de responsibilidades que nos viene bien pensar en otros de cuando en cuando. De seta manera nuestro pequeno monton de mierda no parece tan malo. Personalmente estaria dispuesta a triaros un poco para compartir pero no tengo problemas tampco a ir a sentarme contigo en lo tuyo si esto ayuda a levantarte el animo LOL AMEN y AMEN -- sois estupendos!

ala hasta la proxima!
