A new month a new LO, Nuevo mes y nueva pagina

Is everyone in a candy coma today? As we didn't have many TOTers much of the candy is still here, oh well we're all set for Christmas now LOL
I send out blessings and greetings for those who celebrate today as All Saints Day. Time to remember those who have passed.
And thinking of things past I did a LO with just that in mind -- Anyone still have all those traded 2x3 photos from their school days? Despite having moved contintents multiple times I still have a few from my Senior HS days so I did a LO with them. The inspiration came from BOTH of my online classes (NYCScraps and Journey at Willow Traders) and this is the result

If you're looking for some new page submissions make sure you check out Memory Makers Forum for the most recent calls. Some are due this coming Sunday. As am still working on catching up not sure if will make any of them myself but don't let that stop you :)

I also did a couple of card sketches for Scrapperie

And speaking of Scrapperie, they will be starting an 8 week challenge on Sat 11/3 -- hustle over and join in. Will be super fun!

And as I've not met a challenge I didn't like, take a look at this Challenge Blog: Chit Chat
this looks to be fun too.

Hope you enjoy today's tapita offering!

Que tal? alguien esta en coma por sobredosis de golosinas? Pues aqui no aunque no hubo apenas visitantes pidiendo. No importa ya tenemos la Navidad lista jejeje!
Hoy mando mis saludos y sentimientos a todos que celebren el Dia de Todos los Santos.
Es un dia para recordar y honorar todos que han pasado con carino.
Y hablando de cosas del pasado -- alguien aun conserva aquellas fotos de colegio que se intercambian con dedicaciones? A pesar de haberme mudado entre continentes multiples veces, yo aun tenia algunas guardadas del ultimos ano de High School asi que disene una pagina con ellas. La inspiracion salio de ambas clases en que participo, NYCScraps y Journey en Willow Traders.

Si estabas pensando en presentar algo para publicacion no dejes pasar estas llamadas por paginas en Memory Makers Forum. Ojo algunos tiene fecha de entrega este domingo. como you aun estoy actualizandome no se si podre presentar also pero no dejes que esto te frena a ti:)

Hice ademas un par de tarjetas del reto en Scrapperie. Y ahablando de este lugar van a comenzar un reto de diseno eset fin de semana 11/3. Si deseas un empujon a tu creatividad ir alla para participar. Sera divertido seguro!

Y por ultimo como no he encontrado a un reto que me caye mal, encontre a este Blog Chit Chat. Tiene pinta de ser interesante tambien

Que aprovecheis una vez mas!
