Morning --
I ran out of day yesterday to get things done but here is the gift I will send to whoever is the random pick for the challenge I posted previously. (SEE POST BELOW) And while I admit to not being a huge minibook fan I did enjoy making this one.
If you send gift cards to your family members you can send them in this file folder mini book. I did non-traditional Holiday colors and left room inside for you to put a small photo and dedication on each of the panels. The pocket will hold 4 standard gift cards OR homemade holiday tags.
I got the idea from Colleen who showed her creation on Scrapperie.
She in turn had been inspired by Taylor VanBruggen and Kristen Werner.
Holiday Gift/Tag Holder --
Enjoy and Don't forget to post on the Challenge Post.
Buenos Dias,
Se me volo el dia ayer y no me dio tiempo a completar todo lo que tenia previsto.
He aqui la foto del regalo que enviare a una persona que me me deja un comentario en la nota del reto que puse el otro dia (LEALO ABAJO) Y aunque los libritos mini no son mis favoritos a hacer si puedo decir que disfrute creando este.
Si para la fiestas envias tarjetas de compra a tus seres queridos podras utilizar este librito. Lo diesne en colores nontradcionales y deje espacio dentro para poner un dedicatorio y/o fotos pequenos. Podras enviar 4 tarjetillas o plaquitas recordatorios.
Saque la idea de Colleen quien demostro su librito en Scrapperie.
Ella lo vio primero en los blogs de Taylor VanBruggen y Kristen Werner.
Espero que te guste y no olvides el reto!