Read all about it -- Lealo aca I'm doing a non-elimination challenge as Scrapperie where your peers vote for you. And, while I like the LO, I blew it. We were supposed to have a large photo and HAND journaling featured. Well because I'm a putz and just so running behind in everything lately, I did great journaling but printed it out because it worked for the LO. So I guess no points for me -- nothing like starting a race and forgetting your shoes LOL

I still have so much cleaning to do it's scary. That's what I get for taking a couple of days of work to "try" and get out from under. Major dust removal is on tap for the dining room as well as the boy's room. Change/wash bedding, clean the upstair bathroom, return videos and get in some scrapping (hopefully a bit earlier today) are all on the agenda. Not to mention that I'm sitting here at 4:30 am when should be sleeping --- so as today's tapita here is my offering -- they come by their "goofy" superpowers naturally -- heredity is a wonderful thing!


....Asi que participo en un nuevo reto alli an Scrapperie en que todos envian sus votos para el favorito sin estar eliminado (mas bien sigues creando y los votos determinaran al ganador) - me gusto mi pagina pero no he hecho bien. Los parametros eran simples, uan foto grande y escribir A MANO el comentario. Pues como tengo la cabaza ultimamente a las tres de la tarde, YO imprimi mi comentario porque encajaba mejor al tematico de la pagina. Asi que no habra puntos para mi hoy, no hay nada poer que comenzar a correr y olvidarse los botines de deporte JE JE JE!!!

Aun tengo muchos quehaceres a terminar en la casa y me asusta esto. Es mi culpa por tamar unos dias del trabajo para intentar adelantarme. Quitar polvo del comedor y la habitacion de los ninos, limpiar el cuarto bano, cambiar y lavar la rop de camas, devolver los DVD y con suerte algo de scrap (quizas un poco mas temprano hoy) son unas cosillas de mi lista par ahoy. No hay que mencionar que estoy levantada a las 4:30 de la manana cuando debia estar en la cama -- Bien he aqui mi tapita de hoy -- los ninos tiene este poder gracias a su madre/tia que si es loca la mayoria del tiempo -- los genes humanos son algo interesante.


Sarah said…
LOVE that layout!!!

I feel you on the getting unburied from the mess! I just did all of the linens in my house including the big winter comforter (which is on cycle 2 in the dryer cause it's so darn big!)

Here's to you AND me getting caught up (I'm off to do ATCs!)