Warning Bells -- Campanas de Alarma

So what started out as a slow normal, great feeling day quickly turned into a WHOA kinda day. And while I was walking around in such a really good mood that I tied on the proverbial bells to my feet just to hear the happy sound, if for no other reason than it's Friday, a man walked into the local Clinton Campaign Headquarters around the corner from my home and took hostages, HOSTAGE News at MSN It is being carried live here. The schools went into lock down, and all around my home they redirected traffic and evacuated the area. I am just far enough away that if walk out side and around the corner I can see the building, the SWAT team and the police perimeter. My son was allowed to leave the school finally and my other two arrived home safely as well. And at least two hostages were released as well. This is just too close to home literally. I am ok and thanks to the prayers of all of you I hope that it will resolve quickly and in a positive way. I am going to not post any tapitas today just because I think knowing we're all safe at home is comfort food enough for today.
Para ir al grano hoy localmente en mi ciudad un hombre armado entro en una localidad donde trabajaba voluntarios de la campana de Hillary Clinton. Esta localidad esta a la espalda de mi casa. En resumir aun sigue la confrontacion pero mis hijos llegaron todao a casa bien apesar de que encerraron todos los colegios cercanos que afecto a dos de los mios.
Es algo que llego demasiado cercano a mi hogar asi que no pongo tapitas hoy porque el tener a mi familia segura y sana en casa es suficiente para mi para hoy.
La historia esta aca Noticias en MSN y esta en las noticias aca.
