1,525 views by 956 visitors, 1,525 paginas por 946 visitantes

From what I understand the goal of a blogger is to be seen and read...I had visit other blogs and they too are doing the same thing. Some have been in out there for a long time others not so much, some are high profile others are under the radar. Many are for personal enjoyment others are for the masses but all want you to stop by and be counted. And to that end I dutifully added a tracker to boost my happiness level.
Segun entiendo la meta de uno que mantiene un blog es ser visto y leido... visito otro blogs y aprecio sus esfuerzos al mismo fin. Algunos llevan mucho tiempo, otros no. Algunos son escritos por gente bien conocidos, otros no. Algunos esritos por satisfacion personal, otros por el publico. Pero todos desean ser descubiertos y difrutados por gente y por supuesto que sean contados. Y por no quedarme atras tambien puse llevo un contador para darme esa alegria de saber que "alguien" encontro lo mio y le gusta.

So what a surprise to realize that in barely 4 months of truly dedicated posting (yeah I super slacked at the beginning) I all of a sudden have surpassed the 1500 mark in page views (this means someone actually hit my site, they may not have stayed but they found me). On the flip side nearly 1000 that have dropped by decided to truly visit and share a tapa with me. I believe I will be able to borrow a well known slogan and say "over 1000 served" as I head into 2008. Which makes me flabbergasted and very pleasantly surprised that so many like what they see. Asi que cual era mi placer al descubrir que despues publicar en serio durante acaso 4 meses (si los primeros meses apenas hice nada, me encuentro con que mis paginas han sido vistos mas de 1500 veces. (esto quiere decire que encontraron mi blog no necesariamente que hayan pasado un rato aca) Sin embargo de aqeullas persona que me encontraron, se acerca a casi MIL (1000) que si decidieron compartir una tapita con migo aca. Creo que podre utilizar un alinea de una campana de publicidad muy conocida al decire " mas de mil servidos" al comenzar el ano 2008. Estoy realmente asombrada y contenta a sbar que tanta gente le gusta lo que presento.

So to that end I will be celebrating that milestone by the end of the week with a fun RAK -- I will post it tomorrow along with whatcha gotta do to get your name in. I want to ring out the old and ring in the new with some fun and I hope to see you here! Asi que estare montando una celebracion para marcar este evento como estoy segura que al llegar al final del mes habre alcanzado a este numero de visitantes. Publicare manana lo que sera el regalo mas que se tiene que hacer para poner tu nombre. Quisiera terminar este ano bien y comenzar el ano nuevo con alegria. Nos vemos!


Sarah said…
Whoo hoo!!! Congratulations!!!!

Also, a HUGE Thank you and cyber HUGS!!!! I got your card on Christmas Eve of all days and it really brought a smile to my face. We didn't do Christmas this year - very low key and that was a nice surprise that evening!

Hope you had a WONDERFUL holiday!!!

Anonymous said…
You are such a busy little beaver. I don't know how you keep up, but you do it well and with style. Enjoy your vacation and the rest of the holiday.