Another Monday but snow covered, Otra vez lunes pero con nieve

Morning! We're getting our first real snow of the season, school is cancelled, the roads are clogged and shovelling is the order of the day. I will say though it does look very pretty.

I had had loads of decorating plans for the weekend but they fell by the wayside becasue the household wasn't quite feeling up to snuff. I really didn't do much in the way of scrapping either.
It's kind of funny, I want to create but find myself dreading it. I think it's because I really pushed my self lately and need to step back. You know I never even finished all the sketches from my NYCScraps. Perhaps it's that once again a submission wasn't picked, or just am creatively drained. A an upbeat sidenote, I recieved my book prize from Memory Makers Magazine, 601 Great Scrapbook Ideas, and it is really nice. Lots of great pages and I even recognize names from my forum wanderings -- big congrats to all of them! Lots of neat ideas to scraplitf here for sure.

In any case here are a couple of ATC's that finished before the weekend but didn't get posted. It's a morning tapita to break your fast, I'll be working on something with a bit more substance for later on.

Muy buenos dias! Esta nevando, los colegios eastan cerrados, las carreteras estan hechas un disastre y la pala sera el implemento mas usado hoy por todos. Debo mencionar que a pesar de causar tantas inconvientes esta bien bonita todo cubierto de blanco.
Tuve mucho planes para decorar la casa este fin de semana pero ninguno llego a completarse. Todos en la case no se sintieron muy bien ni el sabado ni el domingo, Nada en concreto simplement un malestar generalizado. Ni siquiera hice apenas nada de scrap. Es curioso, tengo ganas de completar proyetos pero a su vez no quiero ni ver las fotos. Ademas nunca termine todos los trabajos de la clases de NYSCraps. Quizas es debido a que una vez mas no escogieron la pagina que presente o que el pozo de la creatividad esta casi vacio y no acabo de llenarme de ideas. Ah pues otro dia. Una noticia alegre es que recibi my premio de Memory Makers Magazine, el libro 601 Great Scrapbook Ideas, y si es muy buena. Muchos ideas y reconozco multiple nombres de los foros al que frequento. Un gran enhorabuena a todos, me servira de mucha inspiracion seguro.

Asi para romper vuestra ayuna pongo unos ATC's que complete antes del fin de semana, Estare planeando algo mas sustantivo para luego
