A bit late but heartfelt -- Un poco tarde pero del corazon

Saturday Morning.
I need to first and foremost wish a Happy Hanukkah out to my visitors! I know a number of my forum buddies are spending this week celebrating the Miracle of the Never Ending Oil and the Cleansing of the Temple during the time of the Macabees. May the Festival of Lights fill your home with peace, joy and love. Oh and spin a dreidel for me :)

I have a one of the famous lists that keeps growing which includes all my "Absolutely-Must-Do-Or-Will-Be-Up-A-Creek" type things and then there is the "Gotta, I hope can, really should, maybe will get to" List. Unfortunately the seecond one tends to take more priority on an y given day. Does that show I am a procrastinator or perhaps ma simply tired of responsibilty? LOL
In any case both will get some attention today as I gear up to actually do some Christmas shopping once get my act together and out the door here.

I finished a LO for my weekly class challenge at Willow Traders (only two left now) which met a challenge at Memory Makers for multiple photo two pagers. I'vve put it here for to break your fast this morning.

and the next two pages of the Christmas Poem as well -- Nothing like sweet tapitas to with your morning coffee. Have a great day!
D is for December the last month of the year. A time for family, friends and good cheer.
E is for Eve, the night before Christmas, when all through the house not acreature was stirring not even a mouse.

Sabado por la manana.
Antes de nada debo madar una felicitaciones a todos mis amigos y visitante que celebran la fiesta judio de Hanukka. Se que hay gente en los foros que frequento celebran este Milagro del Aceite y La Purificacion del Templo durante la epoca de los Macabees. Espero que disfrutan de este tiempo en familia con mucho amor y paz.
Ah y da un turno al dreidel por mi!

Hoy tengo various listas de quehacers; algunos cayen dentro de "Lo-Tengo-que-hacer-porque-el-mundo-parara-si-no" y otras cosa estan the "la-quiero-hacer-porque-esta-divertido" categoria. Desgraciadamente suelo pasarme mas tiempo con la segunda. Indica esto que no me gusta la responsibilidad? JE JE. No importa, hoy cuando salgo al la calle tengo que tener encuenta ambas listas meintras voy de mandados y compra de navidad

He aqui una pagina terminada por una de las ultimas leccioens de clases en Willot Trader (solo quedan dos mas) que tambien servio para un reto en Memory Makers de crear paginas de 2 hojas con multiples fotos y, porsupuesto las siguientes letras del poema. NO hay nada tan bueno que tomar el cafe con alguna tapita dulce. Tened un buen dia!
