As an East Coaster, I am being treated this morning to a wonderful winter white out. It is dumping fast and furiously outside right now. I foresee some serious shovelling as an afternoon exercise routine LOL I'm gonna try changing up the bilingual part here let me know if you like it better.
Como una que vive en la Costa Este, esta manana me he despertado a ver mucha nieve. En esto momentos caye una cantidad impresionante, veo que esta tarde estaremos haciendo ejercicio a base de palas quitando nieve alredador de la casa Je Je voy a cambiar la presentacion de la parte bilingue -- decirme si os gusta mejor..
I received an email this morning with a pleaseant surprise. I won a RAK. I had commented on Jany's Blog about having made something using a Victorian Theme. Mine was selected! woohoo I will be receiving a really cool vintage looking stamp and other goodies. I love scrapping!Leyendo mi correo vi que recibi un mail indicando que gane un RAK. Habia dejado un comentario en el Blog de Jany Adora haciendo este hobby de scrap.
Ok you all have been super patient this week with me. I haven't been able to create anything new but last night I did. It was done for the challenge I'm participating in at Scrapperie. I barely squeaked in under the wire with this week's which was to use song lyrics. It is about my DS2 and uses the song Unwritten by Natasha Beddingfield. Anyhow this one used one sheet of CS, markers to doodle and journal, MMpaint, alpha stencils, pop dots, one photo and nothing else. It was a super simple ingredient list to create what I think is a rather striking tapa. I hope you'll enjoy this one of my youngest DS. De veras habeis estado muy pacientes esta semana. No me ha sido una semana muy buena para la creatividad pero si tengo algo hoy. Acabe una pagina para el reto de Scrapperie en que teniamos que utilizar la letra de una cancion. La mia es de mi hijo segundo y la cancion es Unwritten por Natasha Beddingfield. Los ingredientes son muy simples; papel, rotuladores para los dibujillos y comentarios, pintura, unas plantillas de alfabeto, pegamiento y una sola foto. El resultado me gusto mucho y es muy llamativo. Espero que os guste igual.

And of course today's Poem Pages to continue on my holiday theme. As am not heading out anywhere today I should be doing some scrap catchup as well for which I'm pretty pumped up. I wish for you all the same easy going day!! No olvido de las paginas del poema para continuar con mi tema festivo. Y como no pienso salir, debido al tiempo, estare enfocandome en adelantar algo de scrap por lo cual estoy contenta. Os deseo un dia estupenda!
R is for reindeer flying quickly and light. They guide Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve night
S is for shepherds who first saw the star. Over Bethlehem's manger and followed it from afar.
Como una que vive en la Costa Este, esta manana me he despertado a ver mucha nieve. En esto momentos caye una cantidad impresionante, veo que esta tarde estaremos haciendo ejercicio a base de palas quitando nieve alredador de la casa Je Je voy a cambiar la presentacion de la parte bilingue -- decirme si os gusta mejor..
I received an email this morning with a pleaseant surprise. I won a RAK. I had commented on Jany's Blog about having made something using a Victorian Theme. Mine was selected! woohoo I will be receiving a really cool vintage looking stamp and other goodies. I love scrapping!Leyendo mi correo vi que recibi un mail indicando que gane un RAK. Habia dejado un comentario en el Blog de Jany Adora haciendo este hobby de scrap.
Ok you all have been super patient this week with me. I haven't been able to create anything new but last night I did. It was done for the challenge I'm participating in at Scrapperie. I barely squeaked in under the wire with this week's which was to use song lyrics. It is about my DS2 and uses the song Unwritten by Natasha Beddingfield. Anyhow this one used one sheet of CS, markers to doodle and journal, MMpaint, alpha stencils, pop dots, one photo and nothing else. It was a super simple ingredient list to create what I think is a rather striking tapa. I hope you'll enjoy this one of my youngest DS. De veras habeis estado muy pacientes esta semana. No me ha sido una semana muy buena para la creatividad pero si tengo algo hoy. Acabe una pagina para el reto de Scrapperie en que teniamos que utilizar la letra de una cancion. La mia es de mi hijo segundo y la cancion es Unwritten por Natasha Beddingfield. Los ingredientes son muy simples; papel, rotuladores para los dibujillos y comentarios, pintura, unas plantillas de alfabeto, pegamiento y una sola foto. El resultado me gusto mucho y es muy llamativo. Espero que os guste igual.

And of course today's Poem Pages to continue on my holiday theme. As am not heading out anywhere today I should be doing some scrap catchup as well for which I'm pretty pumped up. I wish for you all the same easy going day!! No olvido de las paginas del poema para continuar con mi tema festivo. Y como no pienso salir, debido al tiempo, estare enfocandome en adelantar algo de scrap por lo cual estoy contenta. Os deseo un dia estupenda!
R is for reindeer flying quickly and light. They guide Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve night
S is for shepherds who first saw the star. Over Bethlehem's manger and followed it from afar.

We got the snow dump too - they actually closed schools today. The main roads are cleared out, but they never did plow our subdivision - it's a bear trying to get anywhere (thank goodness for 4wheel drive). Hope if you are journeying out - it's much easier :-)