yup I counted and nope not ready yet LOL
I did the home movie rental thing with my kids y-day and fell in love allover with the Die Hard Series... OK OK so Bruce Willis is easy on the eyes too, but all the action was to (ready) DIE FOR! I am an enthusiastic action flick kinda chick and this one really kicked butt right from the credits. Because the Die Hard Series started at Christmastime it seemed only fitting I should speak of the 4th installment in Dec (even though it was supposed to be the 4Th of July). My boys and I enjoyed ourselves immensely and watched it not once, not twice, but 3 times! oh and don't' forget to catch the Die Hard music video -- a tribute and a real hoot.
Remember I was doing a class at NYCScraps? The one I couldn't' keep up with and now she'll be starting a new one? Well I managed to pull out the ppwrk and did one of the LO assignments. I apologize for the blurry picture. It's overcast due to snow and for some reason, I can't take a close up shot to save my life lately but you can appreciate it. Thanks for looking and any comments.

OK and now back to the Holiday at hand... I didn't forget that am posting scrapped pages from the HOLIDAY ABC poem I worked on with other scrapping buddies last Christmas -- here's today's holiday tapita fix for you as well -- Happy "action" Holiday to you all!
F is for Frosty, A friend made of snow. With a magical hat that we all love and know
G is for greetings, a merry hello. With a heart full of love for people you know.

si los conte y aun no estoy ni a punto de estar preparada jejeje
Este fin de semana aquilamos peliculas y las vi con mis hijos. Volvi a enamorarme de la serie Die Hard con Bruce Willis otra vez, y no solo porque creo que el esta de buen cosecha sino porque la accion era para morirse de buena. Soy amiga de las peliculas de accion, de veras me entusiasman mucho, y esta comenzo antes de terminar de mostar los credito iniciales! Dado que la serie comenzo en Navidad es porque comento de esto en el este mes a pesar de que la pelicula occure en verano sobre la fieste de 4 de Julio. Disfrutamos mucho mis hijos y you asi que no lo vimos no solo una, ni dos pero 3 veces!! Y si quieres puedes ver el video musical de GuyZNite Out llamado "Die Hard", muy gracioso!
Recordais que hacia a una clase de scrap en NYCScraps? La que no podia terminar y ahora habra una segunda? Pues consegui terminar uno de los sketches. Pido perdon por la foto borrosa pero ultimamente no puedo sacar una foto para salvarme la vida y el dia esta gris porque nieva. Espero al menos que la podeis ver y gracias de antemano por comentarios.
Y ahora a volver a la fiesta actual en que estamos. No he olvidado que pongo fotos de la hojas del poema navideno que creamos yo y mis amigas el ano pasado. He aqui vuestra tapita festiva -- feliz dia de accion a todos!
I did the home movie rental thing with my kids y-day and fell in love allover with the Die Hard Series... OK OK so Bruce Willis is easy on the eyes too, but all the action was to (ready) DIE FOR! I am an enthusiastic action flick kinda chick and this one really kicked butt right from the credits. Because the Die Hard Series started at Christmastime it seemed only fitting I should speak of the 4th installment in Dec (even though it was supposed to be the 4Th of July). My boys and I enjoyed ourselves immensely and watched it not once, not twice, but 3 times! oh and don't' forget to catch the Die Hard music video -- a tribute and a real hoot.
Remember I was doing a class at NYCScraps? The one I couldn't' keep up with and now she'll be starting a new one? Well I managed to pull out the ppwrk and did one of the LO assignments. I apologize for the blurry picture. It's overcast due to snow and for some reason, I can't take a close up shot to save my life lately but you can appreciate it. Thanks for looking and any comments.

OK and now back to the Holiday at hand... I didn't forget that am posting scrapped pages from the HOLIDAY ABC poem I worked on with other scrapping buddies last Christmas -- here's today's holiday tapita fix for you as well -- Happy "action" Holiday to you all!
F is for Frosty, A friend made of snow. With a magical hat that we all love and know
G is for greetings, a merry hello. With a heart full of love for people you know.

si los conte y aun no estoy ni a punto de estar preparada jejeje
Este fin de semana aquilamos peliculas y las vi con mis hijos. Volvi a enamorarme de la serie Die Hard con Bruce Willis otra vez, y no solo porque creo que el esta de buen cosecha sino porque la accion era para morirse de buena. Soy amiga de las peliculas de accion, de veras me entusiasman mucho, y esta comenzo antes de terminar de mostar los credito iniciales! Dado que la serie comenzo en Navidad es porque comento de esto en el este mes a pesar de que la pelicula occure en verano sobre la fieste de 4 de Julio. Disfrutamos mucho mis hijos y you asi que no lo vimos no solo una, ni dos pero 3 veces!! Y si quieres puedes ver el video musical de GuyZNite Out llamado "Die Hard", muy gracioso!
Recordais que hacia a una clase de scrap en NYCScraps? La que no podia terminar y ahora habra una segunda? Pues consegui terminar uno de los sketches. Pido perdon por la foto borrosa pero ultimamente no puedo sacar una foto para salvarme la vida y el dia esta gris porque nieva. Espero al menos que la podeis ver y gracias de antemano por comentarios.
Y ahora a volver a la fiesta actual en que estamos. No he olvidado que pongo fotos de la hojas del poema navideno que creamos yo y mis amigas el ano pasado. He aqui vuestra tapita festiva -- feliz dia de accion a todos!