Primary Freedoms, Nuestras Libertades Primarias

The Tapita of the Day dovetails nicely with events occuring in my home state of NH. As most know today we here in the Live Free or Die state are exercizing our voting rights in the First in the Nation Primary. Unless you live under a rock in the middle of the ocean most everyone knows we're unindated with candidates and their publicity. All in all though, it is a priviledge and honor to be able to freely decide our government. I hope others will have gone to the polls. I did.
Hoy la tapita del dia refleja eventos historicos ocurriendo de momento en mi estado de NH. Al menos que vivais bajo las rocas al fondo del oceano, todo el mundo sabe que hoy se celebra el Primario en este estado cuyo dicho es "Vivir libres o morir". Nosotros ejercemos nuestro derecho al voto para empujar la seleccion de los candidatos finales al Presidente del pais. La verdad es un privilegio y un honor tener esta oportunidad. Espero que muchos otros habran ido a votar. Yo fui.

New Hampshire is known for getting right in there are deciding these types of things. Our state's history is peppered with many such tidibits and The Fort at #4 is one of them. The outpost/fort constructed there was a thriving community in the mid 1700's. It was there, in what is known today as Charlestown, NH,that one of the first battles of the French and Indian War was fought. Every year, in August, Colonial and Native American reenactors converge there and bring The Fort at #4 back to life. It's a wonderful family day to spend speaking with people who make the history of that time seem to be really happening. They even recreate the battle scene, complete with cannons. I hope you like this LO, it seemed appropriate to speak of history even as we are making history again. El estado de New Hampshire esta bien conocido por llevar el pulso de este tipo de cosas politicas. Su historia esta repleto de anectodas al respecto y una de ellos es el Fort at #4. Este recinto era una comunidad muy prospera y en este lugar, conocida hoy como Charlestown, NH, unas de la primears batallas de la Guerra entre los Frances y Indios ocurrio. Cada agosto gente se dedica a replicar la vida de la epoca tanto de la punta de vista de los colonos del Fort at #4 como de los indios indigenos norteamericanos de la zona. Se puede pasar un rato en familia muy buena aprendiendo y disfrutando historia en vivo, incluso la recreacion de la batalla completo con canones. Espero que esta tapita os gusta, me parecio apropriada por que otra vez volvemos a crear historis.


Shere said…
I love that your blog is in english and spanish. I am trying to raise bilingual children (even though the only language I speak is south, I have a very deep southern accent) and it was nice to visit your blog. TFS. Shere
Sarah said…
Very cool! Love the layout and the history.

We visited New Hampshire when we honeymooned in Maine. As soon as we got into NH, we turned left and hit this AWESOME little district along the water that had great antique stores!

Anywho - can't wait to exercise my right to vote!!!

Hope all is well!
