23 take two -- otra vez 23

Once again it is Snowing!!! such a long winter for even someone who enjoys watching the white stuff fall. In any case I will spend the day shovelling snow and doing all those run of the mill things you do as a working mother. **ah the school system just put out the 1 hour delay notice -- we're off to an interesting start **
Otra vez Nieve!!! de veras este invierno me pesa este invierno a pesar de que me encanta verla cayer!! Puese pasar el dia quitandola con la pala junto con todas las cosillas que se hace siendo una mujer trabajadora. ** ah el cole acaba de anunciar que se abriran una hora mas tarde-- comenzamos**

So the big news today is that I turn 23 for the second time! I did this about 23 yrs ago and am not quite sure which 23 I prefer; the first go round I was looking forward to adventures, or this time because I can enjoy the adventures of others LOL . In any case if you pop by, wish me a great 23 take 2 day -- I hope to eat some cake later on in honor of the big event :) and today's tapita I didn't make myself but it still looks yummy help yourselves. Yum!
Pero la noticia grande de hoy es que cumplo 23 anos por la segunda vez hoy! Hace 23 anos lo hic por primera vez y no estoy segura cual de ellos me gusta mas; el en que estaba buscando adventuras o ahora que puedo disfrutar de las adventuras de otros. Si paseis por aqui deseame un buen 23 otra vez -- espero comer un trocito de tarta luego en honor de este aconteciemiento :) La tapita de hoy no es mia pero se presento de forma tan deliciosa que tenia que compartirla con vosotros! mmmmmm!


Anonymous said…
Happy 23rd Birthday!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Happy Happy Birthday Take 2!!! Personally I enjoy the second time around. Not as stressful for me! Hope you have a wonderful day! Go for it. It's your day!!!
Anonymous said…
Happy Happy Happy Birthday whatever number you want!!! Happy Mardi Gras too!
