Frozen and Looking, Parado y Observando

Well since my last post things have sort of time warped. I saw this video clip on another site and not only is it super cool, I thought it brilliantly captured my frame of mind and reference lately. Basically because at any given moment I am either the frozen as everything keeps flowing by oblivious to my surroundings or the observer wondering why parts of me just are up to speed LOL I hope you like it and stop by again cuz I am creating just veeerrrrrryyyyyy ssssslllllooooowwwwly *wink*

Pues desde mi ulitmo comentario he entrado en un vacio. Vi este video en un otro lugar y, a parte de ser super guay, creo que ha capturado exactamente como me siento ultimamente. Y esto debido a que me veo alternando entre la figura congelada mientras todo sigue fluyendo alreadador y aquel que observa a esta figura preguntando porque no se mueva JEJE. Espero que os guste igual que a mi y que volvais a visitar por que si estoy creando so que va muy llllleeeeeeeennnnnnnttttooo *guino del ojo*

click here -- hacer clic aqui


Anonymous said…
That video was great! Very cool!

Hope things are starting to pick up for you :-)