so the chicken crossed the road -- y la gallina cruzo la carretera

and I got your attention! :)

And it appears it's taken me a bit over 2 months to get my act together somewhat. I unfortunately haven't been cooking up anything special -- rather the even the back burners died out. I need to rekindle the flames of my creative fires so I can whip up some enticing tapitas soon.In truth I just got overhwhelmed with finances/family and personal blahs which just about sucked the fun out of things...

I can say I did do one thing which was sing. If I can get one of my computers to play the DVD recording my friend took I will post the solo I did from the musical Big River. I really enjoyed that a lot and recieved many compliments -- anyone who says that Broadway tunes are easy hasn't really tried to sing them. They are challenging!

So now need to play catch up with all my online friends -- I've missed chatting but hope to start remedying that ---

Y asi os he capturado vuestra atencion! :)
Desafortunadamente esto ha tardado un poco mas de 2 meses para, por fin, hallarme y lograr venir aca para saludaros. Y por desgusto no tengo tapitas incluso tengo que vovler a darles chispa a las llamas de mi creatividad porque el horno que ha quedado frio. La verdad es que temas financieras/familiales y personales consiguieron apagar la diversion con fuerza. Espero encontrar el punto pronto.
A pesar de esto hice al menos una actividad y esto era el cantar. Si soy capaz de copialo pondre el video de del concierto aca para que lo veias. Cante una de las cancioned del musical "Big River (Rio Grande)". Quien diga que estas canciones son faciles de interpretar nunca lo ha intentado. Realmente trabaja la voz del cantante.
Pues ahora voy a dedicarme a ponerme al dia con todos vosotros -- Os he hechado de menos -- estare por aque mas a menudo ahora seguro!


Hi Liz! *waves enthusiastically*

Good to see you!
Liz! Where are you? I'm missing you these days!!!