47 and counting today (happy b-day to me)

hey out there...thanks for the wishes and thoughts
not a day goes by that I don't think of you all -- I can say that have been making inroads in organization so hopefully soon will be back in the scrap groove but I got over extended just before the holidays (big surprise there) and had to cut back again on commitments
Home has been demanding and this was really necessary. We went w/o power during Dec ice storm for few days, it was very trying for all especially my 91 yr grandmother. She's losing ground daily and fighting it every step of the way which is stressful on everyone. Kids are doing well but we're ramping up with my oldest's SR. year end decisions and events -- My mom has been well thankfully.
Today was a study in craziness -- car needed fixing (cha-ching), furnace crapped out (bigger cha-ching), work was nuts (no cha-ching) and so it goes
well if I could just get excited about visiting my fav scrap site I suppose woudl be cool but dont' feel have enough energy to divide my self around liek that right now
Just know I AM thinking of you all often.....


Barb said…
Happy Birthday Liz!! Geeze 47 sounds so young!!! LOL

Glad things are still moving for you even though they are very trying.

I miss your beautiful scrappings but I can wait knowing you will be back.

Take care and best wishes!

BTW things are not the same without you on the MM forum. I don't go there often anymore.
Terry said…
Hi liz!!! Happy Birthday!

Miss you---I don't visit MM that often since I switched to digi. Know that I think of you often.
Jessica G. said…
Happy belated Birthday! I totally hear you about over-extending. I'm sorry about your grandmother, but glad your mother is well.

Hope to see you around! Sending hugs!