Liz's Black Hole Stargate address- *&%$##* :)

I am still around..slowly but surely trying to climb out this routine ladden black hole I have been sucked into for the last 15 months -- Grandmother ended back up at home with us (long story), is still with us and still declining -- Mother has been fighting unkown virus on an off since summer and hospitalized at least once for that fun and games although doing well as of late. Oldest son off to college in Canada but fighting serious homesickness which is impacting him (and me!)
Youngest making moon eyes at me to learn to drive (yeah w/all my freetime I have LOL) and nephew doing ok.
Scrapping bug has begun nibbling at my toes again, so letting those good feelings work their way up
haven't forgotten about anyone am just focused still in other areas
happy scrapping thoughts to all!


Barb said…
Oh Liz, I came right here when I saw your post on MM! I miss your smiling face!!! It was so nice to hear from you!!!

Glad things are still progressing forward even if very slowly, and am so excited about those nibbles at your toes. So much talent in you that needs to be expressed!!!

Sorry about all that is happening. I will pray for you as you continue to struggle with so much.

Just keep us posted with a note here and there!!!

You are never forgotten!!
Terry said…
hey girl! Good to see a post. I thought you had died and gone to heaven!! Just kidding. Glad to hear you are beginning to get the scrapping bug. Hope things at home settle down soon. Take care.
Jessica G. said…
Hi Liz...I miss seeing you online! Sorry about your Grandmother, but glad your mom is doing better. Tori's making moon eyes at me about driving too! Hope to see you sometime!
Jobove - Reus said…
very good blog, congratulations
regard from Reus Catalonia
thank you