So life has been crazy -- mi vida no me deja

As usual too much going on and I'm spending more time on work/home and FB than actually running my blog -- bad me :) -- BUT the news I'd mentioned in last post well didn't pan out as hoped but nothing ventured nothing gained.
I'm writing today so can enter in a blog goodie contest
go see this FB page and the website, like it and tell em I sent you. maybe might win some stuff -- Good Luck

Sweet Stamp Shop

Como siempre ultimamente tengo demasiado ocurriendo a la vez. Ultimente estoy enfocado en mi trabajo, mi familia y pasando rato en Facebook en vez de crear tapitas. De hecho la noticia que querria haber annunciado quedo en nada. mas vale haberlo intentado que no haberlo hacho digo yo. ...Ni fu ni fa mi nota de hoy es para pasar informacion de un pequeno concurso para ganar algunos sellos...mira a los links y en su pagina de facebook dile que te envie yo. Suerte!


JustaFewDesigns said…
Hola hola! Thanks for the head up on the going back to Dana should be going foward to Rachelle!!! my huge bad! man i hate it when i get backwards and fowards confused! lol Thanks for visiting my blog girl...