2 Renewal posts in on day - Score!/Renovandome 2 veces en el mismo dia - GOOOOL!

I was blog hopping and stumbled onto this wonderful Birthday Blog Candy
It was a great chance to get some updated supplies and new ideas
I hope I win but it's still fun to try-- I posted here photo of the goodies too
Pues en mi afan de ir actualizandome me he encontrado este blog con una oportunidad de ganar un buen Dulce. Siendo que es una manera de posiblemente adquerir productos nuevos me he apuntado. Espero que me toque pero si no al menos lo he intendado -- he puesto la foto del premio

check out/vea verlo aca Brenscraps Birthday Blog Candy here


Hello and Happy Wednesday --- I wanted to let you know that you won my blog candy on the Surprise Birthday for Deb Fohti .... I just need an address to mail your papers!
Please contact me at
hercraftiness at gmail dot com

Thanks for leaving a comment!
Her Craftiness