Bird's Party Blog: Friday Giveaway: $200 Worth of Fabulous Prizes to ...

As I am slowing coming back to the scrap world I've been bitten by the Blog Hop -- I know it's not new but it is to me as I havne't been in the loop for a number of years
Been soaking up creativity and entering all kinds of contests/drawings for blog Candy and this one would really rock if got it -- who can't resist candy, parties and fun paper products?
Not me that's for sure -- head over and check it out :)
I need to come back and post about the two I've won so far as well...I will I promise
Com habia dicho mi regreso al mudo de scrapping es muy interesante, y confieso que estoy enamorada de los Blog Hop ahora -- se que no son nuevos pero para mi lo son dado que llevo unos anos sin participar activamente ni en mi blog ni en el scrapping. Ademas me estoy apuntando a todas las rifas de Blog Candy qeu encuento. Que diversion tan deliciosa! Queine pueda resistir a tartas, y dulces , sean de papel o no??? Pues yo no :) no te quedes atras-- irete corriendo a este Blog y apuntate!
Por cierto debo escribir de los que llevo ganado -- lo hare lo prometo

Bird's Party Blog: Friday Giveaway: $200 Worth of Fabulous Prizes to ...: Today's giveaway is very special. Usually I'm the one who looks for new and exciting vendors and sponsors to share with you guys, but thi...


Barb said…
A smile on my face, Liz, when you showed up on my Google Reader that there was a new blog post.

I am so excited to see you getting back into the scrapping world. I am so happy I would never even try to get you over to the dark side of digi!! LOL (Well, at least not yet)

So glad the fire in kindling!! Too bad for me. I haven't scrapped in three months. No mojo. I think Jim having had a stroke has squelched it somewhat! But with him getting better I hope to pick back up again!!

Keep moving on girl!! I can't wait to see those pieces of creativity again. I have really missed them!!