Boy am I out of date // Estoy super atrasada

So participating in the recent Sweet Stamp Shop sponsored OJS Hop (see previous post) left me with such a high. Not only was it a great cause but I had over 80 visits (unheard of for me) and it was such a moral booster to realize I still could whip up a tapita! So what, you ask, happened that I haven't posted since???

This is what is happening..

Yeah, I am not only behind on scrapping/creating but I'm now tackling jobs that should have been done many times over. Painting rooms, which I love, is rather hard when you have to move furniture and then move it back, all while never knowing if a network troubleshooting call will interrupt you mid-stroke. LOL. I will post my progress but you gotta know I still have a bathroom, 2 bedrooms and closet to tackle (and that NOT counting rooms downstairs) so will have paint covered body parts for awhile yet. :)

No matter, I got all excited about The Craft Meow's sketch challenge , so I merrily interpreted it and created a really yummy tapita in my opinion. But when went to upload I re-read the info and had completely missed that had to use their stamps. All my crafting supplies are literally from 3/4 years ago, much of it still in original packaging. Was totally bummed but never fear that's what Blogs are for. And as I was inspired to create with the only new stamps I do have from the Sweet Stamp Shop (their new releases are so cute) So I created two items. which makes today a 2fer to make up for the lag.
Let me what you think and I, on the other hand, need to figure out how to update supplies w/o breaking the bank..

click on images to see larger view


Pues mi reciente participacion en el OJS Blog Hop, patrocinado por el Sweet Stamp Shop, me dejo totalmente animada y alegre. No solo fue un evento por una causa fenomenal sino tambien resulto en80 y tantos visitantes a mi blog, cosa no visto ni siquiera cuando estaba mucho mas activa aca. Me dio una subida de moral porque me mostro que, a pesar de no haber creado nada por anos, todavia guardaba la magia y podria crear mis tapitas! Asi que la pregunta es, que paso que no publique nada mas desde entonces???

Pues pintura es la razon. No solo llevo tiempo sin dedicarme a la creatividad sino tambien todos estos quehacers importantes se quedaron de lado tambien. Como se peude imaginar la pintura tarda mucho cuando no se puede vaciar a la habitacion que trabjas. Hay que ir a trozos y tambien estar pendiente de mi trabajo como tecnico de redes de informatica. Como trabajo de casa si suena el telefono tengo que parar a medio paso de la brocha JAJA. Y como me quedan 2 habitaciones, un bano mas y guardarropa a pintar tengo para rato. Ya os mantendre informados.

Bien, tengo un dos por uno hoy. Me entusiasme por un reto utilizando una maqueta de The Craft's Meow y disene una tarjeta y tambien utilize las unicas estampas nuevas que tengo del Sweet Stamp Shop para una segunda. La gracia vino cuando quise anadir a mi proyecto ya que me di cuenta de que no habia utilizado el producto de The Craft's Meow. Como voy hacer esto cuando TODO mi inventario es de hace 3/4 anos? y mocho de esto aun esta dentro de envolturas originales? AAAhhh pues por esto tenemos los Blogs y aqui van para ser desgustados por vosotros. Decidme lo que pensais y yo, por mi parte, tengo que buscar una manera de actualizar a mi inventario sin irme a la bancarota :)


Emily Leiphart said…
I love your card designs, Liz! I can totally understand how painting with a room full of furniture would be difficult. Just have fun with it. I know you'll enjoy the results!
Monika/Buzsy said…
Awesome cards! The colors are so pretty... and I love the big flower and the the blings. :o)