Don't forget, No olvides

I followed a link today that ended up on Donna Downey's blog . She was hosting a Making Memories RAK, it was crazy to see how many were watching the blog by the comment hits -- over 300 an hour!! That was some busy server! And although I tried once,I didn't win, but it sure made for some fun lurking

Anyhow work related surfing has comsumed most of my daytime hours so I have no current LO's to post but should tomorrow. And yet I wanted to remind you of my CARD CHALLENGE as well as the RAK..

Friday's the day :)

Well I've got to get cooking on those LO's and challenges so will have some new tapitas for you tomorrow, have a great evening all.


Hoy segui a un link que me llevo al blog de
Donna Downey.
Ella tenia un concurso hoy en que regalaba producto de Making Memories. No podia creerme los ojo porque la gente estaba escribiendo comentario a mas de 300 por hora! Este servidor si que trabajaba hoy seguro! y aunque probe las agua una vez no gane nada per si era divertido ver la marcha alli.

De todas formas mi trabajo real ha consumido las hora hoy asi que no tengo nada nuevo para serviros pero creo que manana si. Sin embargo quiero recordaros del RETO de TARJETAS y su correspondiente REGALILLO..

Es para este viernes :)

Bien tengo scrapping que hacer para cocinar una tapitas estupendas para manana, qeu paseis una tarde feliz
